Vegan Wines and How to Check The Detail
Veganism will change the world. We share this planet, not own it...
To most vegan wine lovers, it may come as a shock that their favourite glass of wine could have an animal product in it.
The process of making wine itself does not require any animal products, but after fermentation the liquid needs to be filtered using substances known as ‘fining agents’, to make the wine look "clear" and "bright". Many agents are used to remove impurities from the wine as fining helps wine get rid of protein, yeast, cloudiness, and other particles. Basically making the wine clearer/brighter in your glass and a more eye appealing product. After this process the wine will be renderer clear and bright and more suited to our clear glasses of choice.
There are animal derived fining agents and non animal derived fining agents.
The animal derived agents used for fining and commonly used in conventional non vegan wines are are,
1) Gelatin – which comes from animal parts, usually pigs. This helps speed up the ageing process to get the wine to market quicker
2) Isinglass – Fish bladder which makes wine clearer.......
3) Albumin – An egg white which helps in clarifying red wines but can also be allergen.
4) Chitin – Fibre derived from sea shells
5) Casein – A derived substance from milk that is used in white wines to prevent them from turning darker, again, this could be an allergen for some people.
At Absolute Organic Wine we stock a great range of Vegan wines so you can Order Online for Delivery throughout Ireland UK & Northern Ireland.
When we are sourcing our wines we go to great lengths to insure the wines do not contain any animal products and ask for the technical details- otherwise we will not stock them.
After that, it depends on the concept on veganism. This post describes the wine making process for organic wines.
Biodynamic wines are not conventionally described as vegan wines, but the content of the bottle should be vegan ie no animal derived agents used in the winery