Heritage Tours & Wine Tastings - www.absoluteorganicwine.com

Heritage Tours & Wine Tastings

Heritage Tours & Wine Tastings>Turais agus Ócáidí Blasta

Tours start at 12pm and end at approximately 13:30 with an alcohol free sparkling wine tasting, last Saturday of each month.

Starting from January 2024, we will be starting bookable our Tours & Tastings for Draperstown, High Street’s Top Row BT457AA below:

An t-Ionad Fíona Wine Center itself has been a licensed premises since the Top Row was first completed as part of a plantation town by the City of London plantation company the Drapers’ Company in 1839.

£10 per person and minimum 5 per booking for tour to be booked, and maximum 12 for Health & Safety.

Gift Vouchers available

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